Azure Backup now supports selective disk backup and restore using Azure Virtual machine backup solution.
Azure Backup supports backing up all the disks (OS and data) in a VM together using the Virtual Machine backup solution. With exclude-disk functionality, you get an option to backup one or a few from the many data disks in a VM. This provides an efficient and cost-effective solution for your backup and restore needs.
HBv2-Series VMs are now Generally Available
HBv2 VMs are now Generally Available in the US South Central region. HBv2 Virtual Machines feature 120 AMD EPYC™ 7002-series CPU cores, 480 GB of RAM, 480 MB of L3 cache and no simultaneous multithreading (SMT). HBv2 Virtual Machines provide up to 350 GB/sec of memory bandwidth
New AMD-based Dav4 and Eav4 Azure VMs are available in additional regions
New Azure Dav4-series and Eav4-series virtual machines based on the latest AMD EPYC™ processor are now available in East US, East US2, West US2, Southeast Asia, North Europe and West Europe regions
Azure Blueprint for FedRAMP High now available in new regions
The Azure Blueprint for FedRAMP High is now available in both Azure Government and Azure Public regions.
Azure Cognitive Services Translator Text—Five new languages added
Translator Text now supports five new languages—Irish, Punjabi, Malayalam, Kannada and Portuguese (Portugal).
Enable managed identities on lab virtual machines in Azure DevTest Labs
Lab owners can now enable user-assigned managed identities on lab virtual machines in Azure DevTest Labs.
Azure Service Fabric 7.0 Second Refresh Release
The Azure Service Fabric 7.0 Second refresh release, which includes bug fixes, preview features and performance enhancements, has started rolling out to various Azure regions.
Azure Blockchain development kit for Ethereum is now generally available
The Azure Blockchain development kit for Ethereum is now generally available for download. This extension for Visual Studio Code enables developers to create, compile, test, and manage smart contract code before deploying it to a managed network in Azure or a public Ethereum network.
OpenAPI v3 support in Azure API Management is now generally available
OpenAPI v3 support in Azure API Management, now generally available, includes fixes and improvements such as support for multipart/form-data and interoperability between OpenAPI versions.
Azure API Management now supports integration with Azure App Service
A new Azure API Management feature allows you to expose apps deployed in Azure App Service to manage, protect, and secure APIs.
Azure Cloud and Direct Billing Are Now Generally Available in Kaleido’s Blockchain Platform
Kaleido’s Blockchain Business Cloud now includes direct Azure billing and full support for customers using Kaleido’s Pay-As-You-Go plans
What’s new in OneNote for Windows 10
A couple of updates made inside of OneNote including turning on dark mode, adding tags to notes, editing and saving embedded file attachments and much more.
Office Cloud Policy Service integrated with the Microsoft Endpoint Manager portal
The latest update to Microsoft Endpoint Manager includes integration with the Office Cloud Policy Service, giving admins the ability to create and manage Office app policies directly within the Microsoft Endpoint Manager portal.
Power BI Developer community February 2020 update
This blog post covers the latest updates for Power BI embedded analytics and Power BI visuals platform.
Spring Data Azure Cosmos DB SDK 2.2.2 release is now generally available
Spring Data for Azure Cosmos DB provides Spring Data support for Azure Cosmos DB using the SQL API. The latest SDK 2.2.2 release incorporates updated diagnostics information, including requestCharge() API and better exception handling in anticipation of user requests.
Authored by Sarvesh Pandey, Ping Fung Yin and Onkar Vichare