Project Summary
Being a growing preconstruction platform, our customer wanted to start their Cloud journey with Microsoft Azure. After detailed assessment of their requirements and application our Azure experts suggested to deploy VMs to run their Web API and Web Application.
Customer was looking to reduce the cost, administration overhead of the Virtual Machines, elasticity was big challenge since VMs do not scale. Customer could not leverage Cloud scalability due to the architecture and service limitation which forced them for multiple downtime.
Another big challenge was Database server which was having predictable spikes but due to the architecture they could not scale on schedule basis.
We re-architected the application system to leverage Azure capability with Azure App Service and Azure SQL Database.
Azure API Apps helped customer to host and run APIs at scale for Website and Mobile app while Azure Web Apps helped them run frontend. Autoscaling capability reduced downtime to near zero while Azure SQL Database allowed to scale on the fly without any downtime.
Information Technology
Organization Size
Small (50+ Employees)
Products & Services
• Azure App Service
• Azure API Apps
• Azure SQL Database
• Azure Application Insights
• Azure Web Apps
• SignalR
• Azure Storage
• Notification Hub