Digital Transformation - ifi techsolutions

What is Digital transformation?

The process by which firms integrate technologies to bring about significant change is known as digital transformation. The advantages? improved productivity, more adaptability as a company, and eventually the discovery of fresh value for workers, clients, and investors.

The journey towards digital transformation can take many various forms, and it will be different for every organization. To improve the customer experience, a corporation could implement artificial intelligence (AI) or cloud computing. Alternatively, it may decide to reorganize its supply chain in order to make greater use of machine learning. Even more accurately, a business may forecast the products that consumers will want in a few months and adjust production to suit demand.

But adopting a new style of thinking is the first step in any digital transformation endeavor. It’s a chance to reimagine corporate procedures, often from the ground up.

Digitization and digitalization are two terms associated with digital transformation.

The process of converting analog data and information into digital form, such as scanning a document or photo and saving it on a computer, is known as digitization.

The use of digital technologies to alter corporate operations and initiatives is known as “digitalization.” One example of this is training staff members to use new software platforms that would enable faster product launches. Digital transformation encompasses more than just digitalization initiatives; it impacts the entire organization, not just specific projects.

For the majority of businesses, digital transformation necessitates a change in perspective from conventional to more creative and collaborative. These novel approaches to work uncover fresh ideas that can enhance the clientele’s experience, encourage staff creativity and catalyze the core expansion of the business.

What makes the digital transformation significant?

Customer experience was the main emphasis of digital transformation prior to the COVID-19 epidemic. Then things escalated and altered. The organization’s creativity and operational efficiency these days are centred on digital transformation.

CEOs are facing pressure to seize the opportunities brought about by the shorter waves of change that are transpiring in many industries.  Furthermore, since the pandemic struck, CEOs’ top priority for the board has been expedited digital transformation, encompassing cloud and data, according to our most recent poll. According to our research “Make the Leap, Take the Lead,” the fastest-growing enterprise technology firms were growing at a rate twice as fast as the average, and now that they have increased their tech investments, they are growing at a rate of five times faster. Leaders use AI and other important cloud technologies to outperform their colleagues. They make more frequent investments and adopt cutting-edge technology earlier. Additionally, they allocate funds for innovation in IT. The benefits include the ability to continue being ahead of the curve and gaining more growth and revenue.

A plan for digital transformation

Implementing significant change in an organization without a plan is just too hard. There are five main areas that businesses need to focus on, frequently simultaneously.

1. Transformation of business strategies

These days, every company is a tech company, and every CEO is a tech CEO. Digital transformation has made technology the cornerstone of company strategy. This approach can reduce operating expenses and inefficiencies. It might even change the course of your business. Future goals are simpler to attain when business and technology are combined under a single model. The course you follow with technology now will affect your business’s success more than ever.

2. Realignment of business activities

Success requires rethinking corporate procedures and implementing innovative working practices that promote flexibility and experimentation. What are the most pressing needs of your clients and staff, and how might digital processes support them? By starting with these inquiries, processes may be improved in all areas, including creating sustainability across engineering, manufacturing, and supply chain functions, transferring critical services to the cloud, and enhancing customer service through better data and analytics.

3. Implementing new techniques to increase flexibility and experimentation

Modern engineering capabilities must be combined with new working methods as customer demands and change velocity rise. Most organisations are not making the most of their IT investments when it comes to allocation.It all boils down to accepting innovation and change.A whole different strategy is needed for a digital transition that is successful and sees people as adaptable and technology as available.

4. A flexible technology foundation for long-term transformation

It’s crucial to avoid being dependent on just one type of technology. You may spur innovation within your organisation and more readily establish ecosystem relationships that propel speed and scale by remaining adaptable and fluid. Modular approaches facilitate quick and long-lasting change, and it’s critical to maintain client needs front and centre.

5. Individuals shift in management

Digital transformation affects every aspect of the company. The digital foundation, digital operations, and a workforce with digital skills must all be supported by leaders and have a culture that agrees on the best ways to incorporate new technology into everyday life. Otherwise, it will not succeed. How should the nature of work evolve in the future? How should positions and responsibilities evolve over time? How might technology improve collaboration and information sharing? How can leaders in a remote work setting be trained to be more empathetic, build trust, and communicate more effectively? While technology can alleviate many problems, it also presents new ones for labour. Companies frequently need to develop new talents when people operate in new ways in order to bring about sustainable transformation.

Ways to facilitate the digital shift

Businesses are aware of the need of digital transformation. One of the most frequent queries is, “Where do I even begin?” “Where do I start?” “How can I fund this transformation?” in addition. The following six actions can help address those concerns and enable change:

  1. Consider it a change in business.

Any change should prioritise the needs of the customer. Businesses should begin by determining the main obstacles that clients could encounter, whether in the areas of equipment sales, components, servicing, or other areas.Businesses across all industries are launching massive corporate makeovers as the market’s abrupt shifts are stimulating creativity.

2. Create your organisational change and plan.

A value-based focus, an integrated strategy, and a clear vision are essential components of any change. Having a suitable transformation plan and workspace—often referred to as a transformation office—is crucial for all stakeholders.

3. Take down obstacles to transformation.

Breaking down functional silos is made possible by concentrating on customer concerns. In order to share information and provide a high-quality client experience, several functions are typically required.

4. Develop the ecosystem of your partners.

According to our research, 89% of partners in the software and high-tech industries are searching for innovative ways to improve their business’s operational efficiency and growth.

5. Take an agile stance.

The secret to every metamorphosis is agility. The first step in nurturing it is creating a business culture that encourages experimentation and permits the development of creative ideas.

6.  Invest the money in it.

It is advisable to take a step-by-step approach to the challenging process of financing digital transformation. Start with an end-to-end perspective of digital opportunities and requirements throughout the customer journey in the near future. Next, select a challenge that aligns with your preferred investment and reward potential. Organisations may eliminate barriers to change, maximise their investments in technology, and self-fund innovation by using these strategies.


IFI Techsolutions accelerates your digital transformation journey by leveraging their extensive expertise in Microsoft Cloud. With over 8 years of experience, they offer advanced specializations in areas such as infrastructure and database migration, enterprise app modernization, and Azure Virtual Desktop. As a Microsoft Solutions Partner, we provide tailored solutions in data and AI, digital innovation, and security. Their services enhance employee experience, enable hybrid work, and implement intelligent business applications. By partnering with IFI Techsolutions, you gain a trusted advisor committed to driving innovation and achieving business agility through cutting-edge cloud technologies.

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